It was a desire for a great-tasting kick start to the day that led Frank to creating, on the table of his Morningside flat, his own unique brand of homemade muesli – over 50 years ago..
The story of Frank Hogan’s healthy breakfast muesli
During the early 1970s, Frank Hogan was a young law student. He led a busy life, like most young law students, and needed a healthy breakfast to provide plenty of energy to get through the day.
It was this desire for a great-tasting kick start to the day that led Frank to creating, on the table of his Morningside flat, his own unique brand of homemade muesli.
Over the last 50 years Frank has pursued a career as a criminal defense lawyer; however, he never ceased in his quest to perfect the recipe for the ultimate healthy breakfast experience, leading to plenty of experimentation over the decades.
Muesli adventures
The earlier versions of Granpa BB’s were produced and enjoyed in a variety of settings—South American adventures in 1975; long-term caravanning in the High Country of the South Island, with his young family during the 1980s (this is where the toasting was added to the process), and outdoor tramps throughout New Zealand.
Over the past 40 years, Frank’s muesli has provided a valuable source of nutrition for his growing family. However, time inevitably moves on — the kids are grown up and there are now grandchildren on the scene.
Time for a change
Frank has now worked in the courts of Auckland for over 50 years, experiencing plenty of gnarly situations — enough said. So the decision was made, without entirely leaving his ‘day job,’ to embrace the positive stuff for a change — to be more creative.
The time came for Frank to convert his passion for muesli into a new business adventure.
Pancho becomes BB
So what’s in the name? Well, to his legion of real and adopted nephews and nieces, Frank is known as Uncle Pancho. Why? Well, Pancho is Spanish for Frank — a relic of his South American adventures in 1975. Having now been blessed with grandchildren, it was intended that Haden, the first grandchild, would adopt the name ‘Pancho’ for his granddad.
Not so. Out of nowhere, Haden dubbed him ‘BB.’ The name stuck and that is how Granpa BB’s Premium Toasted Muesli came about.
Now there are five more darlings:
Macy – Born 2011
Noah – Born 2013
Myra – Born 2016
Daisie – Born 2018
Tui – Born 2022
What Our Customers Say
“A family recipe which has evolved over the years and now contains an astounding 28 healthy ingredients. Served with a dollop of yoghurt it truly is health in a bowl.”